A globally unique,
open-access carbon fibre composite research facility

Carbon Nexus at Deakin University’s Institute for Frontier Materials is the world’s largest open access carbon fibre research and manufacturing centre. A world-class facility delivering globally significant, university-based, industrial-scale research to support the growth of a new generation of carbon fibre products and technologies.

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How we can help

Carbon fibre

Carbon Nexus are world-leaders of new carbon fibre production, paving the way for a future-building smart-tech carbon fibre industry in Australia and across the globe. We are the proud home of the cutting-edge technology and innovative minds making breakthroughs in advanced manufacturing and smart system growth, such as bio-based composites, low energy manufacture, improved compression, recyclability, and the world’s first carbon fibre with tailored functionality.

Precursor fibre

Groundbreaking carbon fibre quality and performance begins at the source, and discovering the ultimate blend of precursor polymers to form the future of superior carbon fibre begins at Carbon Nexus. With our purpose-built facility and innovative technology, we have the unique capability of engineering precursor fibre to maximise strength and minimise defects and impurities.

Composite materials

Carbon Nexus is pioneering the next generation of resins and composite materials from prototypes to production. As renowned specialists in matrix resin development and composite manufacturing, industries and researchers alike are partnering up with us to utilise our world-class facilities and capabilities. In Carbon Nexus, a one-of-a-kind facility, companies can fully realise their innovative goals as you explore, test, and develop composite components and resins from precursor structure right through to scalable manufacturing.

Latest News

MOU to strengthen German partnerships

A strategic collaboration between Deakin University, the Technische Universität Chemnitz and Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP, Germany has officially begun. Saxon Minister of State Thomas Schmidt witnessed the signing...

A global lens on Carbon Nexus

In our special series to celebrate Carbon Nexus reaching 10 years of operation, Professor Jeffrey Wiggins reflects on the global impact of this world-class facility and how it unlocked...